There's No Cookie-Cutter Solutions to Homelessness

Everyday Willis Dady Homeless Services works with individuals near or experiencing literal homelessness in our community. We know that each person walks through our doors with a different situation, culture, family makeup, values, and needs. To make sure that we are providing them the most holistic support, Willis Dady believes that there is no cookie-cutter solution to homelessness.
Just as different cookie shapes have different designs--like snowflakes for winter, numbers for birthdays, or rings for weddings---we understand that our clients are all unique shapes made from of their histories, goals, and barriers. At Willis Dady we provide individualized, one-on-one case management support to our clients in identifying and reducing their barriers to remaining stably housed. All 7 of our programs follow this philosophy of supporting our clients through innovative and individualized solutions to meet their needs and empower them to build long-term self-sufficiency.
This is where YOU come in!
Will you join us in empowering our clients to break the cycle of homelessness and build self-sufficiency? It is only through your support that Willis Dady can continue to provide our individualized, one-on-one services to over 1,300 individuals and families annually.
We are looking to fundraise $75,000 by the end of 2022 to support our organization's services. These funds help us start 2023 strong, helping us reach more clients with the critical services to prevent, or reduce their period of homelessness. Please consider using the donation form to the left and give financially.
So far we have fundraised...
Thank you for your support of individuals and families experiencing homelessness this holiday season!
Learn more about Gingie's story, and how his goals to gain stability have changed at our blog:

5 Ways to Support This Campaign:
Make a Financial Gift
Use the form above to make a financial gift to Willis Dady, supporting our No Cookie-Cutter Solutions campaign!
Share our Campaign!
Follow us on social media and share our content about the No Cookie-Cutter Solutions campaign!
Volunteer with us
Reception, Blog writing, Donation Rooms, Oh my! Willis Dady has a volunteer opportunity for everyone. Click here or the button below to go to our Volunteer page:
Donate Backpacks, Shelter Supplies, or
Gift-Wrapped Clothing
Check out our Holiday giving challenges blog here to learn more, or by clicking the button below:
Design & Share your Gingerbread
Download the template to the right, design your gingerbread, then share it with us on social media! A fun activity for you, your family, coworkers, and friends can do to bring awareness to homeless services in our community!