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The Willis Dady Employment Program empowers clients to break the cycle of homelessness by connecting them to supported employment opportunities in the greater Cedar Rapids area.  We work with local businesses, governments, and other organizations to develop creative partnerships that meet the needs of both clients and employers.

Are you an employer looking for a new pipeline of diverse employees?

Click here to find Information for Employers 

Our Employment Programs:

Supportive Staffing Program

Clients begin their path to stability as a supported temporary employee with Willis Dady while working for a local business. This program started through a partnership with Frontier Co-op, who annually provides opportunities for 150+individuals to re-enter the workforce. 


Willis Dady works with clients and their managers on an individual plan to help them succeed, gain work experience, and become full time employees. Case management empowers clients to re-enter the workforce with individualized support, addressing their barriers to maintaining stable employment while coaching employability skills.


Willis Dady has partnered with Frontier Co-op since 2018 and has expanded to offer low-cost carpool transportation to employees. Today Willis Dady has multiple Supportive Staffing partners across the Corridor area to employ those near or experiencing homelessness.


I couldn’t be more proud of the work we are doing together through this collaboration.  Willis Dady has helped make the transition for the apprentices smooth and seamless.

- Jodi Wacha, Human Resources

Frontier Co Op 

Litter Abatement Program

The Litter Abatement Program provides litter and community space clean-up services through contract with the City of Cedar Rapids Solid Waste Agency. This team of 5-6 individuals works throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall to support beautification efforts across our community. 


Our Mattress Recycling program is the only one of its kind within the state of Iowa. We recycle mattresses in Cedar Rapids ​to provide steady employment opportunities to individuals exiting homelessness, while keeping mattresses out of the landfill! 

For information on delivering a mattress, visit our Mattress Recycling page.

Mattress Recycling Program

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Willis Dady Employment Program 

The aim of the employment program is to assist in ending and preventing homelessness for every individual we serve through direct support in short-term, stable employment leading to longer term employment and stability.


Are you looking for a new source of employees? We provide a customized partnership to make sure your workforce needs are met! 


We are currently seeking new employer partners interested in a new pipeline for diverse employees. 

Follow the link below for more Information For Employers


We are also seeking volunteers who have experience running a small business to serve as advisers as we explore new start-up opportunities. If you want to use your skills in running a small business to give back to the community, please contact us to learn more.

Questions about Employment? 

If you are interested in being referred the Employment Program, please reach out to your case manager, or call Willis Dady's main line to answer some questions and be placed on the referral list: 319-362-7555

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