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One man's trash is another man's employment opportunity!

One of Willis Dady's eight programs is the employment program. This program is essential in assisting clients to get connected with job opportunities that allow them to gain stable employment history. Each opportunity varies in scheduling, commitment, and responsibilities. Our litter abatement program is a temporary 6-month job position that aligns with our mission and vison. It is a stepping stone in a client's journey to secure permanent, stable housing. With flexible scheduling and part-time hours, clients are able to learn about consistency in the workplace and holding each other accountable. Our employment case manager meets one-on-one with each client to provide feedback and coaching to help them reach their employment goals.

Clients in our litter abatement program receive work orders from the City of Cedar Rapids. These orders determine the location of the jobsite where clients will go to pick up litter. They receive trash bags, gloves, and vests for their job duties. Some job sites require transportation; clients will often take the city bus and will assist each other in navigating the public transportation system. By working as a team, they gain skills transferrable to their future positions.


To foster even further empowerment, this spring our employment team appointed a team leader. This position is designed to keep people accountable and the program running smoothly. Jason was our Employment Case Manager's first pick because he had shown many times his reliability and excitement for the job. When offered the position, he accepted right away. Everyone who knows him said that he was the perfect fit!

As team lead Jason learned how to navigate difficult situations and communicate with his team. He oversees clocking people in and out, keeping track of how many bags they pick up, and handles any issues that come up in the field. Our Employment Case Manager has noted his growth and confidence excel through this opportunity. Jason is a true leader, and if you see him out on the job, you can really tell! He absolutely loves what he does.


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